Marvel Removed a Character From the New ‘Doctor Strange’ Trailer
There’s a new Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness teaser, hyping the fact that tickets for the movie go on sale for the movie this Wednesday, April 7. In it, we get new looks at Strange’s conversation with Wanda Maximoff, and more of Strange, Wanda, and Wong’s fight with some creepy looking multiversal monsters.
Although the trailer is mostly comprised of footage we’ve seen before, some of it appears to have been slightly tweaked. In the image at the top of this post, taken from the official stills for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, Rachel McAdams’ Christine Palmer is standing beside Strange as he enters that weird and wild dimension through some kind of door. In the teaser above, McAdams’ Christine is nowhere to be seen. Go back and watch it again; it appears to be the same image, but in this new teaser, there’s no Christine.
That doesn’t mean she’s been removed from the film entirely, but it could suggest that some of the plot or story beats of the movie has been tweaked in the editing room. We do know that Doctor Strange 2 did undergo reshoots at the end of 2021, and we also know that sometimes Marvel’s reshoots on movies can be pretty significant.
This wouldn’t be the first time a shot from a trailer wound up missing or changed in a finished Marvel Cinematic Universe movie either. Sometimes, Marvel even plants shots in trailers they have no intention of putting into the movie for the purpose of misdirection. The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War ended with that big shot of the assembled Avengers charging into battle. Not only did the shot not make the final cut, the image included an appearance by the Hulk, who never appeared a single time in Infinity War. So this could be an example of that as well.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled to open exclusively in theaters on May 6, 2022.
[H/T The Direct]
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