I spend a lot of time on social media, namely Twitter and Facebook, during the course of my workday. I know, sounds tough, doesn't it! Well, it can be. The question is: who do you friend (people on Facebook), fan (companies on Facebook) or follow (Twitter) in Cheyenne? It's interesting, because there are a lot of companies — like mine — making big pushes into “SM” but here in Wyoming the average Joe hasn't caught up yet. Well, if you're interested, here are a few of my suggestions.


Bob Beck is one of the deans of Wyoming journalism and news director at Wyoming Public Radio. I met him a few times in a previous job and admire and respect the work that he does. But that isn't why you should follow Bob on Twitter. You should do that because he gets it. As someone who was trained in journalism, I appreciate how weird it can be trying to strike the right balance of authenticity, snark and objectivity as a newsie on social media. Bob nails it. He's also a great resource for keeping up on breaking news across the state.


Ignite Cheyenne

Ignite Cheyenne on Faecbook



So far there have been three Ignite sessions in Cheyenne. (Disclosure: I spoke at one of them.) Now the question is: what's Ignite?

I'll let them explain it: “On the [central organization] website, Ignite is called a 'global movement,' here we just like to think of it as a group of people gathering around to share stories, tips and tricks that make life and work easier, and a forum for people to talk about their passions.”

Every few months, Cheyenne area folks get together to listen to people present five-minute talks. Last time, I spoke about the evils of Microsoft PowerPoint. Jessie Sevier (@JJSevier on Twitter) brought some beer that he had brewed himself and talked about that. Juliette Rule (more on her in a moment) also spoke, although she didn't bring beer.

Become a fan of Ignite Cheyenne on Facebook and think about speaking. Or at least come to the next get-together: they're free!


Juliette Rule works for the Sierra Trading Post (Twitter: @Sierratp) global HQ here in Cheyenne, which is sort of like what I do, except on a much bigger scale. (And she does a much better job.) While most of the stuff on her personal feed isn't corporate, she appreciates that Twitter followers don't mind a little interaction with the big bully companies, as long as it is authentic, organic and personal. Sorry about all the buzzwords. If Juliette had written that, it would have sounded much better. That's why you should follow her.


I suspect that if you were to make a map of Twitter users and tweets, you'd find a very heavy concentration in Casper. In fact, I think there are probably as many tweets coming out of the Casper Star Tribune offices than the rest of the state, combined. David Mayberry is the assistant managing editor and does a pretty good job of aggregating everything from the other CST folks.


The Wyoming Tribune Eagle doesn't have the dynamic presence online that the CST does, but their photographer, James Brosher, does his best to make up for the difference. (You can find the Treagle on Twitter as @wyoming_news.) Brosher had some fantastic photos the night of the hail storm and shared those with us. Moreso than the others on this list (excepting, perhaps, Bob), Brosher's tweets are more political, too.


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