Stone Temple Pilots’ Robert + Dean DeLeo Defend Keeping Band Name
When lineup changes happen, there are two schools of thought -- either continue under the same name or pick a new moniker to signify the change of direction within the group. It's something many bands struggle with, including Stone Temple Pilots, who are set to continue their career after the exit of vocalist Chester Bennington and the death of original vocalist Scott Weiland. While appearing on SiriusXM's Covino and Rich Show, brothers Robert and Dean DeLeo discussed the decision to keep the band name, pointing out they had previously gone the other direction with past projects.
"We did that [performing under another name with Talk Show], we did that," recalls Robert (as transcribed by Alternative Nation). "We [also] did Army of Anyone with Richard Patrick, and Ray Luzier on drums. That’s not what this is, we want this to be Stone Temple Pilots. We want it to be the three members of Stone Temple Pilots with another singer moving forward. That’s what we want to do.”
Dead added, "What means more to us than honoring the past and those records, because let’s face it, those songs mean a lot to a lot of people, so what means more to us, I don’t want to sound selfish here, but what means more to us is the ability to evolve, to move on, to basically have a person that allows us to make more records and more music into 2025."
But the biggest reason for keeping the name may be a sonic one. Robert concludes, "It’s hard sonically for Dean, Eric, and myself to not sound like Stone Temple Pilots. Why name it something different? We worked hard at creating the brand of Stone Temple Pilots. We worked long and hard, and went through a lot of things."
Shortly after the exit of Bennington became public knowledge in 2015, Stone Temple Pilots opened it up for those interested to submit audition entries. From there, the band pared down the submissions to the ones that had a legitimate shot. While they have yet to name a new vocalist, it is known that the band have been working closely with those in contention to make the decision of how they want to move forward.
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