I am a confessed earthquake and geology nerd which is why I find the ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park fascinating. You might be interested to know there have been at least 178 earthquakes within the park over the past week, but you really shouldn't worry.
There is a major earthquake swarm underway under Yellowstone National Park with at least 78 quakes in the last day, but it's really not a reason for major concern.
Funny things happen when you try to constantly educate yourself. We know that there is a super-volcano in Yellowstone, but now I've learned there's also one in Utah and that's there's probably nothing to worry about. "Probably" is a very key word.
If you thought the Yellowstone super-volcano might be the next tragic event of 2020, it looks like you're gonna have to come up with a new theory. The USGS just shared that earthquakes in the region were way down in July from previous months.