A Wyoming driver was killed and his passenger injured Wednesday when the pickup they were traveling in went off the highway and rolled, the highway patrol says.
Like Rocky, she wasn't in it for the money or the glory. Like the Titans, she just wanted people to remember. Like Scarface, she just wanted to say hello to her friends. And, like Dorothy, there is no place like home. For Odetta Bredenberg, Videos to Go is home.
The word "poor" can mean different things. I say that as a preface to news I've found about Mills making a "poorest" cities in Wyoming list, but there's good news.
I saw something today that made me laugh out loud and it inspired me to ask the question..."What if Wyoming towns were characters in the movie Christmas Vacation?". Let's find out.
It sounds strange to say this, but it's not unusual for weird things to appear in the skies over Wyomng. A listener shared this pic of something he saw over Mills Thursday night.
This is bad news for couples, but great news for lawyers. There's a new list of Wyoming cities with the highest divorce rates and Mills, Glenrock and Bar Nunn are on it.
I want to state from the get-go that I completely disagree with what I'm about to share. But, there's a new ranking that names Evansville, Mills and Glenrock and Mills among the worst places to live in Wyoming.