
Privacy Settings You Need to Set for iOS7 Before Doing Anything Else
Privacy Settings You Need to Set for iOS7 Before Doing Anything Else
Privacy Settings You Need to Set for iOS7 Before Doing Anything Else
Apple came out with the new iOS7 which gives your iPhone a new, sleek design on the outside and plenty of upgrades on the inside that you're still finding out about. In updating to iOS7 it reset many of your security preferences. Although you should go through and make sure that things are set for you and your lifestyle, here are a few you should pay special attention to.
Taking Smartphone Photos Poses Privacy Hazard [VIDEO]
Taking Smartphone Photos Poses Privacy Hazard [VIDEO]
Taking Smartphone Photos Poses Privacy Hazard [VIDEO]
A new wave of anxiety has swept the internet world, this time focused on smartphone pictures uploaded to the internet. A new study shows the ease of finding the location of the photo taken, which poses a potential threat to the privacy and safety of the smartphone user and the photo subject.
UPDATED: Facebook Says Privacy Breach ‘False’ Rumor – BBC
UPDATED: Facebook Says Privacy Breach ‘False’ Rumor – BBC
UPDATED: Facebook Says Privacy Breach ‘False’ Rumor – BBC
Update: The BBC is reporting the  postings are actually public posts. It can be difficult to remember what's public and what's not when dealing with messages/posts that are four or five years old. But this is a good reminder that anything on the internet - even if you think it to be private - probably isn't.