Rib Fest Bites the Dust In Cheyenne
Since 2007, Rib Fest has been a part of the summer fun at the Cheyenne Depot Plaza. But a look at the Kiwanis Club calendar shows there will be no barbecue celebration this year.
Ellen Fike reports in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle that the Kiwanis has canceled the event it was not making enough money for the effort. It seems that these days, Cheyenne has easier access to good barbecue.
The Kiwanis Club is instead, focusing on a feeding event for the upcoming total eclipse event in Glendo and could use some volunteers. The Kiwanis Club is very skilled in feeding events, such as their chuckwagon flipping flapjacks at the free pancake breakfasts for Cheyenne Frontier Days.
Kiwanis Club is a non-profit organization endeavoring to make the lives of children better.