Walmart’s Most Purchased Item By Wyoming Residents Is…
Wyoming residents like to keep things cold, that's why the Freez Pak Reusable Ice is the most bought item at Walmart in Wyoming, according to Buckrail.
In a state where it is colder than it is warm, you would think residents would be buying more hats, gloves, and scarves. The reusable ice packs are for all the hunting and camping that takes place in Wyoming. The two most popular items in the country bought from Walmart were an Ozark 20-ounce Tumbler and Crayola Crayons. Wyoming is the only state to have Freez Pak Reusable Ice as their top seller.
All the most purchased items are products that we need in everyday life for the most part like crayons, coffee, and coffee mugs. But not in California or Florida, their priorities are a little different, their top sellers are Nintendo Switch Consoles and Google Chromecast.