Was There A Wyoming Pro Wrestling Territory Back In The Day?
Until the early 90s or really late 80s, wrestling was based in several territories across the united states and Canada. The then WWF(World Wrestling Federation) went nationwide and changed the profession forever. So, as we know it now, most professional wrestling is national(outside of the independent shows).
Former WWE manager, Jim Cornette was asked on his podcast "The Jim Cornette Experience" about the "Wyoming Territory". His answer was mostly confusion, admitting that in all his years in the wrestling business, he never went to Wyoming or Idaho.
You can hear his whole answer below. There is definitely some NSFW language.
"In all of history, there's never been, I don't think any particular territory located that just serviced those states. Cause, there's only one or two cities, the driving distance is ridiculous, the weather is insane. These TV markets, they can't even butt up against each other. "
He just kind of says what pops up on the old noddle.
So there you have it, kind of clear as mud. Bigger wrestling territories may have come into the Wyoming TV markets like Cheyenne or Casper, but there was no "Wyoming Territory". In the clip, he mentions Verne Gagne may have been in this area, which leads to meaning the "Midwestern Territory" of AWA.
So, we(probably) had wrestling in the area, it just wasn't really a true blue "Wyoming Territory", we would get some matches coming in from other markets if we were lucky it seems, or at least were able to watch it on TV.
Now we know.