Will Wyoming Share Their Before & After Quarantine Hair Photos?
These transformations may actually break the Internet.
OK, I'm gonna say this and I know that most people are going to think this is absolutely crazy. However, I do feel like there will be a few people who feel the same way. OK, here it goes... I miss the smell of hair bleach. There, I said it. As someone who enjoys having super blonde hair, I had grown accustomed to getting highlights about every two months and I had really grown to associate the smell of bleach with therapy. After all, getting your hair done is a therapeutic experience, am I right?
Needless to say, it's been a minute since I, or anyone else for that matter, have gotten my hair done.
That's all about to change though as hair salons are opening up once again in the state of Wyoming. Goodbye, roots. Goodbye, split ends. Goodbye, length. I can't help but think about people all over the state walking into salons looking a little rough and then walking out feeling like a million bucks. I can only imagine what the before and after photos will look like.
Actually, will you send us yours?
I'd love to see both men and women's photos as I'm sure the comparison will be monumental for both. Women finally getting their chosen hair color back and men finding their necks again in the midst of all that fluff. I think it would be super fun to share this. I have yet to get my roots fixed up, but I promise to take before an after photos when I do.
For now, just send us yours on our mobile app or tag us on social media.