Would You Like A Fight With That Massage? Review
I wasn't planning a review, I was just ready for a relaxing massage and some reflexology. I chose a place that had a very gracious young man who offered me a water and he asked me to have a seat while I was waiting my turn. That’s when an older woman who works there walked in with a loud angry voice speaking Korean, I believe. Polite worker guy tries to calm her down, but she blows him off.
A customer leaves and young worker follows her out to make things right if possible. Older guy worker stops massaging his client and goes out to the parking lot and more yelling ensues. I can hear them through the plate glass windows.
A woman customer gets off of her massage table saying “I don’t have to take this crap.” While she grabs her things and heads for the door. I left right behind her, before the fighting got worse.
A loud argument does not provide a conducive atmosphere for a relaxing massage.
Getting into my car, I thought “They lost me, but I doubt they will miss my dollars. That Porsche Cayenne parked in front of the place says they have plenty of bank without me.”
I went to their competitor, but I hope it doesn't cause a fight like this:
I am amazed at the lack of consideration these two Cheyenne workers (though I think she or both the more “mature” workers may be owners. The only saving grace was the polite and caring young worker who was caught in an unfortunate and awkward position. He is a definite asset and should get a raise and hazard pay..