Wyoming’s Joe Pickett TV Series Is A Hit With Critics
CJ Box is one of Wyoming's favorite sons, he's getting a lot of attention for his body of work now(deservedly so) and he's been getting the TV treatment for some of his work. We all know about Big Sky on ABC, but the beloved series off Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett, is now a TV series on Spectrum.
If you're not familiar with the series, it's based off 22 books following the Wyoming Game Warden. That's plenty of source material for the series to make it at least 22 seasons, right?
The trailer for the series looks really good. The only complaint I have about it is you can only watch it on Spectrum's TV channel. So, if you're a cable cutter like me, you'll have to get creative. Usually, Amazon will let you buy episodes of shows like this, but it's not there yet. Paramount also produced this show, so maybe it'll make it to Paramount+ soon. Other Spectrum shows like Manhunt, have gone on Netflix. So it may take some time. But it'll be worth the wait.
I wanted to see how the website Rotten Tomatoes rated the series and it looks like they're fans! It received an 80 percent, which, 80 percent with internet people is pretty good!
Let's take a look at some comments.
Matt Roush-TV Insider
I mean it as the highest compliment when I suggest that anyone who followed Longmire from cable to Netflix will find a kindred spirit here.
You had me at Longmire.
Holly A
I couldn't stop watching season 1. This season had so many twists and turns in the plot. There were beautiful landscape back grounds. I will be watching for the next season!!
That background is what the studio thinks Wyoming looks like.
Ghym W
An excellent showing for Joe Picket. C. J. Has to be proud. I've read all the books and the casting, writing, and direction has been outstanding. Kudos to all!
It's great to see someone who loves the book series weighing in.
Bill V
I'm a huge fan of C. J. Box's work. ABC's version of another Box series ("Big Sky") started strong but quickly became a dumpster fire. Not so with "Joe Picket". C. J. is the executive producer of the series, and simply put, J "Joe Pickett" is perfect. The first season is the first book ("Open Season"). The casting to dead-on perfect. There is no "re-imagining" of the characters. It's scary how close the film mimics what I envisioned when reading the books. The show is very funny when it wants to be, tender, and terrifying. Why is this show on "Spectrum"? "Joe Picket" should be recut (each episode is nearly an hour, instead of 45 minutes) and put on Network TV.
They have the Spectrum issue, too. Also, yeah, Big Sky fell off real quick.
Now I really want to see this series.