Labor Day

Can You Wear White After Labor Day? [PICTURE]
Can You Wear White After Labor Day? [PICTURE]
Can You Wear White After Labor Day? [PICTURE]
I was getting dressed for work this morning, and pulled out one of my favorite blouses, only to put it back in the closet.  It's my favorite white blouse, only trouble is, it's white, and as I was putting it on, I heard that faint voice that said "No White After Labor Day"  Really...
History of Labor Day; Are You Working Today?
History of Labor Day; Are You Working Today?
History of Labor Day; Are You Working Today?
Did you punch in today? Have you ever had to use a time clock? I have at several jobs. Did you ever join a union? Union labor is a big part of the history of today's holiday. While many are enjoying a day off, traveling or cooking on the BBQ, most people don't know the real reason we celebrate Labor Day.