3 Facts On Marijuana Education Week In Wyoming
Governor Matt Mead deemed April 24th through the 30th a week to understand the impacts of marijuana and remind us it’s illegal in Wyoming. That reminder we assume is for anyone who thought they might get education by actually trying it, themselves.
Monday an Education Summit was held in Casper with speakers from law enforcement, healthcare, and other fields with expertise. Here are three points that were made:
1. Bordering Colorado - where marijuana is legal - has changed the types of cannabis found in Wyoming. Particularly in the southern parts of the Cowboy State are more edible forms, among others.
2. The drug has changed over recent years. That includes having higher levels of THC. Experts say more potent pot has more risky effects. One is the chance of addiction for those who start using under the age of 25. The chances of addiction are now one in six.
3. Last year a study showed more support for marijuana legalization in Wyoming. Those who’ve been trying to get that on a statewide ballot in 2018 were late again earlier this year.
Maybe someone should look into why supporters have been so chronically tardy.