The Interim Executive Director of the Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) says Governor Matt Mead "did his homework" before deciding to veto a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed weapons into government meetings in the state.

Rick Kaysen, who is the former Mayor of Cheyenne, says that while his organization respects and honors the Second Amendment, WAM feels the issue should be left up to local governments across the state.

During his tenure as mayor, Kaysen said on several occasions that he didn't see why anyone needs to bring a gun to a city council meeting.

Speaking for WAM on Thursday, Kaysen said the organization is ''concerned about the pre-emption of local government" by having the legislature create a statewide law allowing concealed guns at government meetings.

Supporters of the vetoed measure, House Bill 137, argue the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as well as provisions in the Wyoming state Constitution clearly allow people to carry firearms into venues such as public meetings.

They also say giving people the ability to defend themselves against an armed attacker increases public safety.

Governor Mead says the bill is "murky" and needs more work. He insists he is a strong advocate of the Second Amendment.

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