There's a new spin on the classic board game Monopoly. A custom game company recently released Wyoming-Opoly, featuring western-themed pieces and board spaces inspired by the Cowboy State's most iconic landmarks.

They did a pretty good job, but we think Wyoming-Opoly could be even better. Here are some suggested improvements for their next version.

The most valuable spaces on the board are Boardwalk and Park Place, which they got right with Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

For the green properties, we'd turn Pennsylvania Avenue into Cheyenne, North Carolina Avenue into Casper, and Pacific Avenue into Laramie.

Instead of going to jail, players would go to the Historic Frontier Prison in Rawlins.

The yellow properties, Marvin Gardens, Ventnor Avenue, and Atlantic Avenue would be replaced with Sheridan, Cody, and Lander.

The red properties, Illinois Avenue, Indiana Avenue, and Kentucky Avenue would become Gillette, Rock Springs, and Riverton.

Instead of landing on free parking, players would receive a parking ticket from the City of Cheyenne.

In the orange section, New York Avenue would become Torrington, Tennessee would be Buffalo, Evanston would represent St. James Avenue.

Community Chest would be called the Rainy Day fund, but none of the players would be allowed to use it.

The light purple properties, Indiana Avenue, States Avenue and St. Charles would become Green River, Douglas, and Powell.

For the light blue properties, Connecticut Avenue would be Worland, Vermont Avenue would be Wheatland, and Oriental Avenue would be Thermopolis.

Like the original game, Wyoming Monopoly would have a space for Income Tax, but instead of paying 10%, you would pay nothing.

Our game would also include four railroads; Union Pacific instead of Short Line, BNSF in place of B+O, Burlington Northern for Pennsylvania, and the Big Horn Divide would replace the Reading.

Which brings us to the least expensive spots on the board. The dark purple properties, Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues, would become Newcastle and Kemmerer.


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