Check out footage of two ghostly figures caught lurking on a street in Sunland Park, New Mexico at 1:30 a.m. before the transparent forms quickly run off the screen.
If you saw a huge fireball in the sky this past weekend, you are not alone. More than 40 people so far told of a huge light in the sky Sunday morning and now there's video to prove it.
I've always been told that if you want to be avoid being bitten by a rattlesnake you need to watch the trail where you walk. If a new video is to be believed, you might also want to check the trees.
Remember that group report we all did in middle school about the state capitals?
Students at Hayes Middle School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, were recently assigned a similar task.
As part of a class project, each group was asked to pick a state capital that they think could replace Washington, D...