Thankful Thursday Spring 2017 Schedule
The party for a purpose is coming back for year number seven!
Every Thursday night from March 2 - May 25, we'll be raising money for a different local charity at the AMVETS Post 10 (3839 E. Lincolnway.)
Throughout the six-year history of Thankful Thursday, more than $1 million has been raised for Laramie County charities.
A live auction will be accompanied by dinner, drinks, games, and good company every week. The event is free to attend, and you have a chance to win up to $500 just for showing up!
March 2 - Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming
The mission is coordinating prevention efforts in Wyoming to reduce incidents of child neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
March 9 - Safe Harbor
Provide a child friendly, safe, and supportive environment for abused and neglected children.
March 16 - Habitat For Humanity
Their mission, "building safe and affordable housing," directs all activities performed by the affiliate. They strive to eliminate substandard and poverty housing by creating partnerships with community donors and volunteers to provide housing for low-income families. Habitat's program is unique in that it allows hardworking families to become first-time homeowners.
March 23 - Bikers Against Child Abuse (B-A-C-A)
This chapter in Laramie County is a united organization of bikers who empower victims of child abuse and remove their fear. They work in conjunction with local and state officials who are already in place to protect children and they stand ready to lend support to their wounded friends by involving them with an established, united organization.
March 30 - Meals On Wheels
Dedicated to improving the quality of life of those with great physical, nutritional, social, and economic needs. They are the only program that delivers hot meals in person, which allows added availability to check on clients' safety and provide daily companionship.
April 6 - Optimist International
Members work each day to make the future brighter by bringing out the best in children, in their communities, and in themselves.
April 13 - Health Works
Qualified health center dedicated to the provision of premier medical and pharmacy services to all residents of Cheyenne and Laramie County. They provide acute, chronic, and preventative care services and strive to be "Your Health Care Home."
April 20 - Black Dog Animal Rescue
The mission of Black Dog Animal Rescue is to provide homeless animals across Wyoming with guaranteed safe and secure placement, promote the use of proven life-saving programs in our communities, and advocate for animal welfare.
April 27 - Alzheimer's Association
Fighting Alzheimer's disease through vital research and essential support programs and services.
May 4 - Down Syndrome
Provides education, information, networking opportunities, and support for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families.
May 11 - Community Action of Laramie County/Self Sufficiency and Housing:
Offers tools to help families and individuals recover from economic, medical and other setbacks. Additional support services include transportation needs and resources to assist obtaining/maintaining employment. Transitional housing is provided to both low-income and homeless individuals and families. Housing programs include case management.
May 18 - The American Legion & Auxiliary Boys & Girls State Program
Premier programs for teaching students who have completed their junior year in high school how government works while developing leadership skills and an appreciation for their rights as a citizen.
May 25 - Laramie County Community Christmas
Food baskets for those in need at Christmas in Laramie County, hosted by Alf's Pub and Package Liquor.