What a cool video!  Just when you think you've seen all the 2017 Eclipse photos and videos, this one will have you saying - Wow!  The Casper Airport handled more traffic in one day than they do in a typical week!

The Casper / Natrona County International Airport had more than 170 airplanes land on August 21st, 2017 the day of the Total Solar Eclipse.  The problem was - where does the airport park that many aircraft?  Now we know.

Check out the video fly by (above) that was recorded immediately following the Total Solar eclipse and see how crowded it was for yourself.  Makes the Casper airport look as busy as Denver International Airport!  The video below shows the actual tracking of flights into and out of Casper to show the amount of traffic the airport had to deal with.

The video below is at has been sped up 600X and runs from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday, August 21st, 2017. KCPR is Casper and the Green is arriving aircraft and the Red are departures. Crazy and cool at the same time!


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