Wyoming’s Path Of The Pronghorns Left Late This Year
One day last week I was reading right passed a piece of info about how Jackson Hole’s Pronghorn population migrates out to the Pinedale, Wyoming area. It was just a blurb I saw – somewhere. I think it was in just checking one of the local newspaper sites. I remembered, however, that it mentioned the Pronghorns got some human help getting moving this year, led by snow blowers and snowmobiles.
Just the wonderful idea that some human beings could be of help to animals popped back into my head later that night, and moved me to look up more on the story. I didn't find the same material again, but what I found was pretty cool, like what biologists call the “Path of the Pronghorns” here.
Their migration corridor is narrow - but one of the longest of any animal's migration in the western hemisphere - with highways, residential development and oil & gas development.
As lightning fast as pronghorns are, you’d hope they’d just outrun any danger. Springcreekranch.com calls it amazing to witness, mentioning the doe in one of their images was captured on a shutter speed set slow (1/50 sec) so the lens was able to follow her from right to left.
I especially enjoyed this longer story in Wyofile.com, when I got time to read it. It ended, “I can’t believe we just saw that. It’s like the Serengeti, seeing so many animals move past at once. Nothing remained of that surge of life except for the narrow paths where their hooves had punctured the snow, like rows of stitches linking the desert in the south to the summer range in Teton Park.'