You Are Normal If You Are Truly Happy 8 Times Per Week
A recent survey says the average person enjoys 432 moments of pure happiness a year. That works out to about 8 times per week.
We lead stressful lives and it’s hard to relax. Even on vacation, 80 percent of people will check their work email. A recent U.K. survey says 6 out of 10 Brits are happy with their lives but feel true joy most often when hanging out with loved ones at home, even over going out.
Other happiness triggers include vacations, a road trip, and singing along to the radio.
Lucky me, this Memorial Day weekend, my wife and I are heading through Wyoming’s Snowy Range Mountains to Saratoga, with plenty of great tunes and a love of singing along. She can hit the key, while my singing voice sounds more like a spoon going down a garbage disposal.
Simple pleasures, loved ones, and singing along to the radio seem to be key ingredients to pure joy in England or here. Next up, Yellowstone and The Big Horns with music and loved ones.