Does Anyone Still Use Cheyenne Phone Books?
Do you still use Cheyenne's phone books?
When you need a phone number or address, do you look it up on your phone or do you still use a telephone directory?
Earlier this week, I was searching for the address of a local business and dug out the 2015-2016 Cheyenne phone book. My wife looked at me strangely and asked for my phone. It was then a contest to see who could find the information first.
Searching on the internet turned out to be faster, but not all businesses are on the web, even in 2016. And what happens if your service goes out. I think it's always a good idea to have a back up resource for those times when you're not connected.
Some people are also more tactile and like to have a physical copy to look at, like with the directory maps. Maybe it's just a case of unfamiliarity with the new technology that scares some people away from using their smart phones to find out information. And, believe it or not, there are still plenty of people who do not have them.
Right now, the world seems to be in a transitional period between using the resources of the past and adopting the new technology into our everyday routines. It may not be long before the telephone directory disappears like all those old VHS tapes.