Downtown Cheyenne Improves Bike Share Program
If you’re looking to cruise around Downtown Cheyenne, but don’t want to lug your own bicycle around to do it. The Downtown Development Authority has revamped their Reride Bike Sharing Program. To utilize the program, make sure you have the Koloni App, which you can download through the App Store or Google Play.
The DDA Executive Director, Amber Ash said on Downtown Cheyenne’s Facebook page,
“The new app-based program provides an incredibly easy and secure way for people to get outside and explore downtown,” said Amber Ash, DDA Executive Director. “These bicycles can be checked out 24/7. We wanted to increase the convenience and accessibility for the public’s use, and hope that this will continue to increase ridership.”
The app-based bicycles are GPS enabled so their location can be tracked at all times. In addition, if a bicycle is attempted to be taken without being rented first, the wheels will lock and a digital lock alarm will sound. “We are excited to have the opportunity to revamp this ReRide program and troubleshoot many of the issues that have been a problem in the past,” said Ash.
It’s really affordable to rent one of these bicycles downtown at just a dollar an hour. You have a ton of advantages to go along with just getting to cruise around to your favorite stops downtown, you’ll get some nice exercise while you’re at it. The app will tell you where you can pick up a bicycle in town, so you’ll be ready to roll!
You can find more details about the Reride Program here.
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