How Hungover Is Wyoming Compared To Other States?
Alright, we’ve all been there. Staying out late one night, enjoying ourselves and at the end of the night we go to sleep. We wake up the next morning, our head feels a few sizes to large, there isn’t enough water coming out of the tap that you’re drinking directly from to quench your cotton mouth and you feel like death overall. Yup, you’re hungover. Sometimes it’s the epic hangover after a wedding that gets you, and you’re scrambling to figure out to make the pressure stop. What do you do? You google!
Zippia compiled a list of the most Hungover States in America by some google research.
Unfortunately, we’ve never been able to find that magical potion. But some states might be closer than others just based on their Google searches.
We found the most hungover states simply by looking into who searched for “hangover cure” at the highest volume. Some of the most hungover states may surprise you!
So looking at the map, Colorado pulled in at #5, Nebraska #3, Montana #9, Idaho #48 and Utah is #25. Sans the last two, and it looks like our neighboring states are putting some back on Friday nights. But what about Wyoming? We came in at #2.
Really, we are the second most hungover state in the country. I don’t know if we should be proud of that or not, but at least, we’re trying to search for that hangover cure to make our heads stop pounding. So pass the gravy, scrambled eggs, Gatorade or whatever you need. Cheers, Wyoming.

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