Meeteetse Wyoming has been blessed with a chocolatier who has traveled around the world to learn everything he can to make some pretty incredible treats. He's even gone as far as mixing in beers from local breweries into his chocolate.
If you're a chocolate lover wondering where to get your fix in Wyoming, lucky for you there's a handful of great chocolate shops, but you may have to drive.
A chocolatier unveiled a musical confection at the London Chocolate Show. His record made of chocolate played a song he wrote and performed with his band.
They claim the best tasting beef anywhere on earth. Their Wagu beef is the most expensive in the world and tastes so good because they feed their cows chocolate
Remember when you were trick-or-treating and someone gave you a big ‘ol Snickers or a Milky Way, instead of a bullion cube or a generic lollipop? Why not spread that joy now that you're an adult? Not likely.
More people are going to be passing out candy to trick-or-treaters this year ...
An inventor in France has created a new pill that makes your flatulence smell like CHOCOLATE. It's all-natural and herbal, and only costs $16 to get a package of 60 capsules delivered.
65 year old Christian Poincheval had a flatulent dinner with friends where ‘Our farts were so smelly we nearly suffocated...