The Importance Of Coffee With A Cop In Cheyenne
From the Cheyenne Police Department, a great idea in a time of need. They are hosting another Coffee with a Cop session on February 15 from 2-4 p.m. at the new Starbucks at Dell Range and Windmill (2518 Dell Range).
“This is a great opportunity to have a relaxed, one-on-one interaction with officers. There is no agenda and no topic, simply a chance to come in and talk to officers about whatever is on your mind have or simply say, “Hi””
In these times of cop-killings, racial tension, mistrust, brutal crimes and mass killings of kids, as in the Parkland, Florida High School massacre, we need to talk.
Students knew the accused killer; they knew he was sketchy, that he had been kicked out of school. He had mistreated his former girlfriend, animals, posed on social media with weapons, made threats that he would unleash his anger and nobody said anything. And now 17 people are dead and at least 15 wounded.
He “started progressively getting a little more weird,” said 17-year-old Dakota Mutchler. Cruz, he said, was selling knives out of a lunchbox, posting on Instagram about guns and killing animals, and eventually “going after one of my friends, threatening her.”
If only someone had told someone who could make a difference.
If only...
It begins with communication. It can begin with Coffee With A Cop. It doesn't have to be all serious. It can include your kids. Ask questions, say thanks. Ask what the evidence room smells like... Have Coffee With A Cop. Communicate.