Total Lunar Eclipse & “Blood Moon” In Store For Next Week Across Wyoming
Well, this is an interesting time for a "Blood Moon", having it on Election Day for the first time ever. Is that a sign of something, or just dumb luck? It's the latter, obviously, but it's fun to think otherwise. The last total lunar eclipse was back in May. If you remembered to get up, at least in Cheyenne, you were disappointed because of the cloud coverage.
But, now is our chance for a second try(which we want to take advantage of it, as the next total lunar eclipse won't be until 2025).
When Will Wyoming See The "Blood Moon" Total Lunar Eclipse?
You'll want to make sure you're looking to the sky Tuesday, November 8th.
What Times Will Be The Best To See The Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse In Wyoming?
According to the website, Space.com, the total eclipse will begin at 3:16 AM, with peak mid-eclipse being at 3:59 AM and the event ending at 4:41 AM. So, you'll want to make sure you set your alarm early to do some sky gazing if you really want to check out the Blood Moon.
Not for nothing, 2022 has been a great year for lunar events. It's nice that we also have the advantage of a big sky to really be able to put these events on display, as long as it's not cloudy, of course.
The ten-day forecast for Cheyenne is showing partly cloudy skies, so let's hope that the forecast changes in the next week. Otherwise, we'll have to look at photos online of how awesome the moon looked.