Tourism and mining are two of Wyoming's biggest industries. Every year, millions of dollars funnel into the Cowboy State from Japan.

According to a recent report from the Consulate-General of Japan, their country is the 7th largest importer of goods from Wyoming. In addition to trona and other minerals, agricultural exports pump big bucks into the state economy.

Japanese tourism is another substantial source of revenue. Baby boomers in Asia are well known for their fascination with 'cowboy culture' and flock to Wyoming by the thousands every summer for an authentic western experience.

The Wyoming Office of Tourism has worked with an international company to lure Japanese tourists since 1989. Earlier this week, they released a new promotional video in Japanese.

Efforts are also underway to promote Wyoming tourism in other Asian countries, including China, Taiwan, South Korean and India. The state is projecting a 44% increase in visitors from the region over the next several years.

The Japanese Consulate estimates there are over 200 Japanese citizens currently living in Wyoming. Several of them are scientists researching global climate patterns at the National Center for Atmospheric Research-Wyoming Supercomputer Center outside of Cheyenne.


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