This Just Might Be the Best TikTok about Wyoming Cows Ever
It's very rare that I would tell you that you really must see this video about Wyoming cows, but that is exactly what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, this might be the best video on TikTok about Wyoming cows ever.
Mike Baird is one of my favorite guys on TikTok. His combination of retro music and narrating combined with his snarky commentary makes him a must follow. You'll notice that he's included some cows in front of the Tetons in this one.
Grab some popcorn. This will be good.
Those of us that interact with you on the radio are not immune from Mike's parody. I don't think I'll look at my radio show the same way ever again after this.
Based on Mike's hashtags, me thinks he is a fan of the old Mystery Science Theater shows. His take on the home of tomorrow further drives home this point.
It could be that I'm mentally deranged (Editor's note: likely), but I consider Mike's Dinosaur Dinner Theater one of the best parts of TikTok.