What Is Wyoming’s State Dinosaur
Let's take Mr. Peabody's time machine all the way back to the land of the dinosaurs. Close your eyes, what do you see running around in Wyoming? A T-Rex? What about a Raptor? What about that dinosaur that Fred Flintstone worked moving rocks with? Well, I found out that Wyoming has a State Dinosaur by accident earlier. I was reading different headlines and Massachusetts is working on finding a State Dinosaur.
I would normally mock a state for making a State Dinosaur, BUT, Wyoming named a State Dinosaur al the way back in 1994. As far as I can tell, I can't find any reason why they spent the time to figure out what our dinosaur best suited the Cowboy State, but, 1994 was a different time, right? Pre 9/11, we had great sitcoms on TV, Danny Tanner gave us morals, you get the idea.
So what is Wyoming's State Dinosaur? It's a Triceratops. I find this choice fascinating, the only reason I can find that we chose it, came from the website, statesymbolusa.org.
Wyoming designated triceratops as the official state dinosaur in 1994 (Wyoming also has a state fossil, adopted in 1987). All State Dinosaurs & Fossils
One of the largest horned dinosaurs, the iconic Triceratops lived in Wyoming over 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period. The fearsome-looking horns and frill were used for defense and display - Triceratops was a vegetarian.
So, we apparently had tons of these guys running around Wyoming back in the Prehistoric era. Cool. I'm a little disappointed it wasn't a more rugged dinosaur, but I guess I'll take it.

WYOMING WEATHER: The Most Destructive Tornado in Wyoming's History - July 16, 1979 Cheyenne Tornado
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