Haunted Wyoming: The Legend of the Salt Creek Oil Field Ghost Lights
With Halloween fast approaching, here's another one of Wyoming's most haunted places. Since 1889, more oil has been produced at the Salt Creek Oil Field in Natrona County than any other place in the Rocky Mountain region.
Not only is it responsible for nearly 20 percent of all the oil ever produced in the Cowboy State, it's also home to one of the spookiest legends in Wyoming's history.
According to local lore, before oil was discovered at the site, the land was farmed by an Irishman named known as O'Rourke. Ever since, locals have reported mysterious lights seen hovering over the field on clear nights.
Some believe the fields are visited each night by the ghost of O'Rourke and that the light originates from his lantern. The website HauntedPlaces.org ranks it among the most haunted places in the state, with an EHP rating of 77.8 (EHP is a device used by researchers to calculate paranormal activities).